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Pre-event for ‘Nepal’s Largest All-Female Hackathon’

Posted on December 29, 2022

In an initiation of Research and Innovation Unit, RIU, and the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, of Advanced College of Engineering and Management, acem, a pre-event program was organized on 28th of December, 2022 in the premises of acem. This program was led by ‘Shequal Foundation’ where the mentors from ‘Skills Square’ were invited. As an informative session prior to the ‘Nepal’s Largest All-Female Hackathon’ by Shequal Foundation, this pre-event was held. 

During the program, a workshop was conducted where 20+ female students of acem received the opportunity to learn about ‘design thinking’ for aligning them for the main event.

Pre-event for ‘Nepal’s Largest All-Female Hackathon’