Research and Innovation Unit

Er. Prashant Lamsal

Research Assistant

Er. Prashant Rimal is a Research Assistant of Research and Innovation Unit (RIU) at acem. He completed Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from Advanced College of Engineering and Management, acem, itself.

Recent activities:-
1. Focus on Research methodology regarding different research topics
2. Conducting the training sessions to the students in RIU.
3. Conducting various project works analyzing the data and preparing reports.

Research Concluded :
1. Implementation & simulation of fault locating algorithm and localization for linear transmission lines on PMU based two terminal system.
2. Development of the digital twin of the drone and study on real time simulations and communication of the twin with physical drone.
3. Reducing Losses in Utility Buildings: A Novel Methodology for Load Distribution Optimization.

Project Involved :
1. Conducted the Case Study on “Explore the current gaps and suggest recommendations to enhance entrepreneurial ecosystem in higher academic levels, taking cases from Bagmati Province” under UNDP Accelerator Lab Program.
2. Established the Innovation Lab at Panga Secondary School, Kirtipur, focusing on providing training to both teachers and students to enhance their capacities.

Research Interest:
Power System, Digital Twin , Electrification and Illumination System

Email Address:,
Er. Prashant Lamsal