Er. Prem Chandra Roy is HOD and Sr. Assistant Professor of Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering. He graduated from Institute of Engineering (IOE) , Western Region Campus in 2010 with a B.E. Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. He started his career in 2010 as an Assistant Lecturer.
Er. Roy holds dual Master’s Degree. He has completed Master’s Degree in Information System Engineering from Purbanchal University and also completed his Master’s Degree in Climate Change and Development Engineering from Institute of Engineering (IOE), Pulchowk Campus. With keen interest in Data Science and Climate change, he researched in “Performance Enhancement on Classification of Imbalanced Data using different Boosting Algorithms ” and also “Impact of Climate Change on Solar Energy Generation in Nepal Using Climate Change Model“ for his successive Master’s Thesis. He has published his different research works and articles in national and international journals.